I'm looking for the best way of synchronising the data from a hand held
barcode scanner to a database on one of our servers. The data on the hand
held is held in a CE database .SDF format. The database to which it will sync
is a SQL Server 2005 database. I don't want to install Server 2005 onto the
users PC if I don't have to.
Can anyone help or point me in the right direction.
I'm looking for the best way of synchronising the data from a hand held
barcode scanner to a database on one of our servers. The data on the hand
held is held in a CE database .SDF format. The database to which it will sync
is a SQL Server 2005 database. I don't want to install Server 2005 onto the
users PC if I don't have to.
Can anyone help or point me in the right direction.