I am trying to use Windbg with SOS.dll on VS 2003 by following the article "SOS:It's Not Just an ABBA Song Anymore" at http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/03/06/Bugslaye
I tried the ".load sos" and the command extension of SOS comes up when typing "!help". I assumed that SOS was loaded; however when issuing the command "!Threads". I got the following response
"No valid SOS data table found"
How can I solve this problem.
Best regards
I am trying to use Windbg with SOS.dll on VS 2003 by following the article "SOS:It's Not Just an ABBA Song Anymore" at http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/03/06/Bugslaye
I tried the ".load sos" and the command extension of SOS comes up when typing "!help". I assumed that SOS was loaded; however when issuing the command "!Threads". I got the following response
"No valid SOS data table found"
How can I solve this problem.
Best regards