Anton Shepelev
Hello, everyone
I want to have several "build parameters" that can
be adjusted independently, like these:
1. Debug/Release modes (R|D),
2. Version of the API my system uses (V7, V8, V9)
I have found a way to make them depend upon the so-
lution build configuration, using MSBuild's "Condi-
tion" attribute:
<COMReference Include="LIB8" Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='V8D'">
but that requires that one define the following
build configurations: V7D, V7R, V8D, V8R, e.t.c.
Should another parameter appear, it will become un-
Is there a way to control each set of parameters
othogonally, without listing their scalar product in
build configurations? In other words, is it possi-
ble to define arbitary MSBuild macros? I would then
use $(TargetAPIVersion), $(Mode), e.t.c.
Thank you in advance.
I want to have several "build parameters" that can
be adjusted independently, like these:
1. Debug/Release modes (R|D),
2. Version of the API my system uses (V7, V8, V9)
I have found a way to make them depend upon the so-
lution build configuration, using MSBuild's "Condi-
tion" attribute:
<COMReference Include="LIB8" Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='V8D'">
but that requires that one define the following
build configurations: V7D, V7R, V8D, V8R, e.t.c.
Should another parameter appear, it will become un-
Is there a way to control each set of parameters
othogonally, without listing their scalar product in
build configurations? In other words, is it possi-
ble to define arbitary MSBuild macros? I would then
use $(TargetAPIVersion), $(Mode), e.t.c.
Thank you in advance.