I have a problem with a recent login script which I've created for my domain
at work. One of the drives it maps is on a different domain where the users
have seperate usernames and passwords. For most of them, these match the
usernames and passwords used by our domain and so simply using
"/user:domain\%username%" with NET USE works fine.
The problem is with the minority who have different passwords. Now for these
I simply want the connection to fail and the rest of the login procedure to
continue as normal, however that's not happening. Using the group policy
setting to display the login scripts, I can see that it's coming up with
"The password or username is invalid for \\share.
Enter the password for domain/user to connect to share"
As a result, the login script hangs (as it's hidden) and stays that way
until the script times out. How can I force it simply to try and connect
using the current password and the specified username and to simply abort
should these credentials not be correct rather than prompting for another
Many thanks,
I have a problem with a recent login script which I've created for my domain
at work. One of the drives it maps is on a different domain where the users
have seperate usernames and passwords. For most of them, these match the
usernames and passwords used by our domain and so simply using
"/user:domain\%username%" with NET USE works fine.
The problem is with the minority who have different passwords. Now for these
I simply want the connection to fail and the rest of the login procedure to
continue as normal, however that's not happening. Using the group policy
setting to display the login scripts, I can see that it's coming up with
"The password or username is invalid for \\share.
Enter the password for domain/user to connect to share"
As a result, the login script hangs (as it's hidden) and stays that way
until the script times out. How can I force it simply to try and connect
using the current password and the specified username and to simply abort
should these credentials not be correct rather than prompting for another
Many thanks,