There seems to be a trend toward the SQL naming convention advocated by Joe
Celko that replaces Pascal casing of column names with underscores. For
instance rather than naming a column SaleDate the trend seems to be to use
the name sale_date instead. I much prefer this convention, but in the .NET
world the preferences seems to remain Pascal casing, at least for public
So the question is, do you standardize the naming convention across both,
translate the names at some point, or do you not worry about it?
For instance, I’ve started using techniques such as looping through public
properties and stored procedure parameter names and matching them by name to
set the value of one from the other rather than hard-coding the population
for each database call.
Foreach column name
Find the public property with the same name
Set the value of one to the other
Obviously I could use a method that translated names between the data layer
in .NET to the database, and that’s where I would choose to put it if
translation is the solution I land on, but I’d rather not.
Foreach column name
Replace _letter with upper case letter
Find the public property with the same name
Set the value of one to the other
Assuming I can limit data access to stored procedures only I could also
translate the names there, but that makes the database inconsistent.
SELECT sale_date AS SaleDate
Can anyone point me to an existing intelligent discussion of this, or tell
me what you are doing and preferably why?
Celko that replaces Pascal casing of column names with underscores. For
instance rather than naming a column SaleDate the trend seems to be to use
the name sale_date instead. I much prefer this convention, but in the .NET
world the preferences seems to remain Pascal casing, at least for public
So the question is, do you standardize the naming convention across both,
translate the names at some point, or do you not worry about it?
For instance, I’ve started using techniques such as looping through public
properties and stored procedure parameter names and matching them by name to
set the value of one from the other rather than hard-coding the population
for each database call.
Foreach column name
Find the public property with the same name
Set the value of one to the other
Obviously I could use a method that translated names between the data layer
in .NET to the database, and that’s where I would choose to put it if
translation is the solution I land on, but I’d rather not.
Foreach column name
Replace _letter with upper case letter
Find the public property with the same name
Set the value of one to the other
Assuming I can limit data access to stored procedures only I could also
translate the names there, but that makes the database inconsistent.
SELECT sale_date AS SaleDate
Can anyone point me to an existing intelligent discussion of this, or tell
me what you are doing and preferably why?