I would suggest if you just want to test the waters, that you pick up a copy
of Visual C# at your local Staples. It's much cheaper than buying an MSDN
subscription. (I'm in Canada, and it was $175. In the US, I'm guessing
around $125 or so)
If getting up to speed quickly is important, I read an introduction to c#
from A Press that was good. It was "A Programmer's Introduction to C#", by
Eric Gunnerson, I think. I remember it being fairly easy to get through
For in-depth getting started programming, I like some of the Wrox Press
books, although lately it seems more like quantity over quality from them.
I've got Professional C#, and it covers basic to mid-level stuff. Pretty
good, but not great.
I have found the best in-depth material for the .NET framework in the
Microsoft Press books.
Good luck!!
Trevor Braun