didn't you ask this same question in another newsgroup?
BEA Weblogic portal provides both content management and integration
services. On the Microsoft side, you will get most of the same features by
a combination of two products: Sharepoint and Biztalk Server (BTS).
There are two different comparisons you can make between Weblogic and
Sharepoint/BTS and that depends on which version of sharepoint you need
(which depends on the content management features you want in your portal).
For many folks, a portal is simply an information board that shows the
status of information flowing through the integration engine. If that is
your case, then you need only use Biztalk, because the installation of the
BAM provides you with all the instructions and web parts you need to view
the "business metadata" through a free version of Sharepoint called Windows
Sharepoint Services (WSS). Windows Sharepoint Services can be downloaded
for free and installed on any Windows 2003 server.
If, on the other hand, you need to manage the documents, search on them, and
control them during the steps of the business process, you may want to
consider upgrading the Sharepoint part to Sharepoint Portal Server (SPS),
which is built on top of Windows Sharepoint Services. SPS offers a wide
array of content management and portal features that are very useful for
expanding it's functionality over the free version.
I don't know of a good comparison, but if there it, it would be between
Biztalk 2004 and BEA Weblogic Portal.
I hope this helps,
--- Nick