Ben Kim
Hello all,
We are connecting to a remote server using FTP and sending up 100's of files
daily to this site. I just received a call from the operations manager of
this site and they are complaining that we are doing a CD.. in our
connection prior to uploading. Once we signon, they claim we are "in" the
correct folder. I have adopted this code from another programmer who is
long gone. I do not see anything in this code that would cause it to do a
CD.. once connected to the site and then do a CD into the appropriate
folder. Does the FTP object have a setting I can change that will get rid
of this behavior? We are calling the following class like:
Private _ftp As FtpClient
_ftp = New Ftpclient(Me)
Below is the code for the FtpClient class. Any ideas would be greatly
Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO
Public Class Ftpclient
Private Base As EtiBase
Sub New(ByRef aEtiBase As EtiBase)
Base = aEtiBase
End Sub
Public Sub DoZipUpload()
Base.LogToSummary("Uploading data.")
DoUpload(Base.Ini.outputzipfilename, Base.Ini.ftpuser,
Base.Ini.ftppasswordtext, Base.Ini.ftpserver, Base.Ini.ftppassive)
End Sub
Private Sub AttemptFtpConnect(ByVal username As String, ByVal password As
String, ByVal UsePassive As String, ByVal uploadUrl As String, ByRef
requestStream As Stream, ByRef uploadRequest As FtpWebRequest)
uploadRequest = Nothing
requestStream = Nothing
Try 'attempt connect
uploadRequest = WebRequest.Create(uploadUrl) 'set connection options
uploadRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile
uploadRequest.Proxy = Nothing 'no proxy, no passive
uploadRequest.UsePassive = Convert.ToBoolean(UsePassive)
uploadRequest.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(username, password)
requestStream = uploadRequest.GetRequestStream()
Base.LogToSummary(vbCrLf & "FTP connect success.")
Catch ex As Exception
Base.LogToSummary(vbCrLf & "FTP connect failed.")
Base.LogToDebug(String.Format("exception! message:[{0}] source:[{1}]",
ex.Message, ex.Source))
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub DoUpload(ByVal fileName As String, ByVal username As String,
ByVal password As String, ByVal host As String, ByVal UsePassive As String)
Base.ParentForm.SetText("Attempting to connect to ftp...")
Base.LogToDebug(String.Format("ftp: host[{0}] user[{1}] password-length[{2}]
file[{3}]", host, username, password.Length, fileName))
Dim uploadUrl As String = "ftp://" & host & "/" & Path.GetFileName(fileName)
Dim requestStream As Stream = Nothing
Dim uploadRequest As FtpWebRequest = Nothing
'try to get ftp conenction
AttemptFtpConnect(username, password, UsePassive, uploadUrl, requestStream,
'retry if failed
If requestStream Is Nothing Then
AttemptFtpConnect(username, password, UsePassive, uploadUrl, requestStream,
End If
'retry if failed
If requestStream Is Nothing Then
AttemptFtpConnect(username, password, UsePassive, uploadUrl, requestStream,
End If
'if failed give up
If requestStream Is Nothing Then
Base.successorfail = "FAILURE"
Base.failreason = "Cannot connect to FTP server."
End If
'send file over connection
If Not requestStream Is Nothing Then
SendFile(fileName, requestStream, uploadRequest)
End If
Base.ParentForm.SetText("Upload was a " & Base.successorfail)
End Sub
Private Sub SendFile(ByRef filename As String, ByRef requestStream As
Stream, ByRef uploadRequest As FtpWebRequest)
Base.ParentForm.SetText("Uploading data. 0% done.")
Dim fileStream As FileStream = Nothing
'get stats so we can update pretty gui status
Dim f As New System.IO.FileInfo(filename)
Dim fileSize As Long = f.Length
f = Nothing
Dim lastPercent As Integer = 0
Dim totalSent As Long = 0
'read local file in chunks, copying to server
fileStream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open)
Dim buffer(1024) As Byte
Dim bytesRead As Integer
While True
'read from file
bytesRead = fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
If bytesRead = 0 Then
Exit While
End If
'write to ftp stream
requestStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead)
'log percent to gui if changing
totalSent = totalSent + bytesRead
lastPercent = System.Math.Truncate(100 * (totalSent / fileSize))
If lastPercent Mod System.Convert.ToInt16(Base.Ini.refreshgui) = 0 Then
Base.ParentForm.SetText(String.Format("Uploading data. {0:F0}% done.",
End If
End While
Catch ex As Exception
Base.LogToSummary(vbCrLf & "Data upload failed before completion.")
Base.LogToDebug(String.Format("exception! message:[{0}] source:[{1}]",
ex.Message, ex.Source))
Base.successorfail = "FAILURE"
Base.failreason = "Data upload failed before completion."
End Try
'make sure server took it, look for server to say complete
Dim uploadResponse As FtpWebResponse = Nothing
uploadResponse = uploadRequest.GetResponse()
If uploadResponse.StatusDescription.ToLower.Contains("transfer complete") Or
uploadResponse.StatusDescription.StartsWith("226") Then
Base.LogToSummary(vbCrLf & "Data upload successful.")
Base.successorfail = "SUCCESS"
Base.LogToSummary(vbCrLf & "Data upload complete, but remote server failed
to confirm reception.")
Base.successorfail = "FAILURE"
Base.failreason = "Data upload complete, but remote server failed to confirm
End If
End Sub
End Class
We are connecting to a remote server using FTP and sending up 100's of files
daily to this site. I just received a call from the operations manager of
this site and they are complaining that we are doing a CD.. in our
connection prior to uploading. Once we signon, they claim we are "in" the
correct folder. I have adopted this code from another programmer who is
long gone. I do not see anything in this code that would cause it to do a
CD.. once connected to the site and then do a CD into the appropriate
folder. Does the FTP object have a setting I can change that will get rid
of this behavior? We are calling the following class like:
Private _ftp As FtpClient
_ftp = New Ftpclient(Me)
Below is the code for the FtpClient class. Any ideas would be greatly
Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO
Public Class Ftpclient
Private Base As EtiBase
Sub New(ByRef aEtiBase As EtiBase)
Base = aEtiBase
End Sub
Public Sub DoZipUpload()
Base.LogToSummary("Uploading data.")
DoUpload(Base.Ini.outputzipfilename, Base.Ini.ftpuser,
Base.Ini.ftppasswordtext, Base.Ini.ftpserver, Base.Ini.ftppassive)
End Sub
Private Sub AttemptFtpConnect(ByVal username As String, ByVal password As
String, ByVal UsePassive As String, ByVal uploadUrl As String, ByRef
requestStream As Stream, ByRef uploadRequest As FtpWebRequest)
uploadRequest = Nothing
requestStream = Nothing
Try 'attempt connect
uploadRequest = WebRequest.Create(uploadUrl) 'set connection options
uploadRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile
uploadRequest.Proxy = Nothing 'no proxy, no passive
uploadRequest.UsePassive = Convert.ToBoolean(UsePassive)
uploadRequest.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(username, password)
requestStream = uploadRequest.GetRequestStream()
Base.LogToSummary(vbCrLf & "FTP connect success.")
Catch ex As Exception
Base.LogToSummary(vbCrLf & "FTP connect failed.")
Base.LogToDebug(String.Format("exception! message:[{0}] source:[{1}]",
ex.Message, ex.Source))
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub DoUpload(ByVal fileName As String, ByVal username As String,
ByVal password As String, ByVal host As String, ByVal UsePassive As String)
Base.ParentForm.SetText("Attempting to connect to ftp...")
Base.LogToDebug(String.Format("ftp: host[{0}] user[{1}] password-length[{2}]
file[{3}]", host, username, password.Length, fileName))
Dim uploadUrl As String = "ftp://" & host & "/" & Path.GetFileName(fileName)
Dim requestStream As Stream = Nothing
Dim uploadRequest As FtpWebRequest = Nothing
'try to get ftp conenction
AttemptFtpConnect(username, password, UsePassive, uploadUrl, requestStream,
'retry if failed
If requestStream Is Nothing Then
AttemptFtpConnect(username, password, UsePassive, uploadUrl, requestStream,
End If
'retry if failed
If requestStream Is Nothing Then
AttemptFtpConnect(username, password, UsePassive, uploadUrl, requestStream,
End If
'if failed give up
If requestStream Is Nothing Then
Base.successorfail = "FAILURE"
Base.failreason = "Cannot connect to FTP server."
End If
'send file over connection
If Not requestStream Is Nothing Then
SendFile(fileName, requestStream, uploadRequest)
End If
Base.ParentForm.SetText("Upload was a " & Base.successorfail)
End Sub
Private Sub SendFile(ByRef filename As String, ByRef requestStream As
Stream, ByRef uploadRequest As FtpWebRequest)
Base.ParentForm.SetText("Uploading data. 0% done.")
Dim fileStream As FileStream = Nothing
'get stats so we can update pretty gui status
Dim f As New System.IO.FileInfo(filename)
Dim fileSize As Long = f.Length
f = Nothing
Dim lastPercent As Integer = 0
Dim totalSent As Long = 0
'read local file in chunks, copying to server
fileStream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open)
Dim buffer(1024) As Byte
Dim bytesRead As Integer
While True
'read from file
bytesRead = fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
If bytesRead = 0 Then
Exit While
End If
'write to ftp stream
requestStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead)
'log percent to gui if changing
totalSent = totalSent + bytesRead
lastPercent = System.Math.Truncate(100 * (totalSent / fileSize))
If lastPercent Mod System.Convert.ToInt16(Base.Ini.refreshgui) = 0 Then
Base.ParentForm.SetText(String.Format("Uploading data. {0:F0}% done.",
End If
End While
Catch ex As Exception
Base.LogToSummary(vbCrLf & "Data upload failed before completion.")
Base.LogToDebug(String.Format("exception! message:[{0}] source:[{1}]",
ex.Message, ex.Source))
Base.successorfail = "FAILURE"
Base.failreason = "Data upload failed before completion."
End Try
'make sure server took it, look for server to say complete
Dim uploadResponse As FtpWebResponse = Nothing
uploadResponse = uploadRequest.GetResponse()
If uploadResponse.StatusDescription.ToLower.Contains("transfer complete") Or
uploadResponse.StatusDescription.StartsWith("226") Then
Base.LogToSummary(vbCrLf & "Data upload successful.")
Base.successorfail = "SUCCESS"
Base.LogToSummary(vbCrLf & "Data upload complete, but remote server failed
to confirm reception.")
Base.successorfail = "FAILURE"
Base.failreason = "Data upload complete, but remote server failed to confirm
End If
End Sub
End Class