.net framework V2.0.40903

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can anyone provide a link to where I can get this version of .net framework
please. I have downloaded the new SQL Express program but the managment
program requires this version of .net framework to be installed and I cannot
find it????

thanx in advance..
I installed Microsoft "SQL Server Manager 2005"; when I tried to run the
server manager, I get a prompt saying,
'To run this application, you first must install one of the following
versions of the .Net Framwork:
Contact your application publisher for instructions about obtaining the
appropriate version of the .Net Framework.'
My present ASP.NET Framework is: version 2.0.40607.0
Like Karen, I have no clue where to get this .Net Framework v2.0.40903 or if
this error messages is even related to another problemThis new SQL Server
Manager 2005 may or maynot be the actual root cause of the error. If anyone
has any knowledge of what may be up with this, please turn on the lights in
this clueless guys brainroom.

Flash River
(e-mail address removed)
my first post, I failed to mention that I already have the .NET Framework 2.0
SDK Beta 1 x86 installed... so that is not it...
Flash River...
I just found this and tried it, and it worked.

A reply post from Brian to Michael: on 1/23/2005 9:20 PM PST:

Hello, I've seen your post on a couple of news groups. I too was having
trouble finding .net framework 2.0.40903. Everything thing I tried pointed me
to the same file; dotnetfx.exe I kept trying as I really wanted to play with
SQL Server 2005 express. I finally noticed that a couple of the
dotnetfx.exe's that I downloaded, were not the same file...different sizes.
Here's a direct link to the .net 2.0.40903 that I found:
PS: I had to use add/remove programs to first uninstall .net 2.0 beta as it
kept telling me it was already install. I also renamed the .net 2.0
directory under c:\winnt\microsoft.net\v2.0.40607 just be on the safe
side...took long enough to find the this version of .net Give it a
try....Hope it works for you too.!!
referenece item link:

Thanks so much Lloyd for everything...
Flash River...
actually i was looking for v2.0.ao607 or later(got 1.1as standard xp ithink) .Ineed it to load HOL64 bit stuff -not advisable- onto a 32bit system, just the installer, have no idea what it does or is or whether it will work, so dont follow me , i dont know where im going, but if it works, (64bit software leading to apple OSX on microsoft system, courtsey of PEAR PC.com Apple integration with MSoft) ill come back and let you know, if it doesnt then i guess i wont

From http://www.developmentnow.com/g/6_2005_2_0_0_157344/-net-framework-V2-0-40903.ht

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