.net framework object code store

  • Thread starter Thread starter Karl
  • Start date Start date



our team is in the process of setting up a .net
development environment.

We have begun creating common code for reuse in DLL's and
we want to allow our developers to share this code from a
central server.

We have a .Net Framework server where these DLL's can be
installed but the question is, how can developers
reference the code from their client workstations?
Visual Source Safe integrates well with the VS.NET environment and allows
developers to share code.

We configure ours with a "phantom directory" where the current version of
all code is echoed to a file structure on our main server. We also have the
database backing up to the server daily. In this fashion our code is backed
up along with everything else on that server, both in the VSS database
format and as native files. But our developers check all code in and out
through VSS for their daily work.
