.NET Framework Install Directories are populating my "D" Drive :(



I just installed a 500G D drive as a backup and now, with my other
directories are seven new directories that have shown up over the last week.
For example:

"6bf88f608c676fced90b8e65" & "b787eeac7b00d2a4c6b13864e61db2d0" at first, I
did not know what they were but they are definitely ".NET" directories. The
problem is that I cannot delete them. I have searched my registry for "D:\"
and could not find any reference except for source files location and nothing
for destination file.

I need to get these folders off of there and keep them from coming back.


MowGreen [MVP]

Create a temporary folder and move the .NET temp folders to them.
Then delete the temporary folder.
Another User encountered the same issue with an external drive used for
I am getting a crapload of temp folders on my secondary file of type
The folders have 10 .msp files in them

I cannot delete the folders at all. I can't dtermine with procesex who has the files open. I now
have 7 of these folders on my drive. how do I get rid of them, or kill the process that is creating
But I finally got it...I tried moving the folders - to a temp subfolder and then I could delete them.


MowGreen [MVP 2003-2008]
*-343-* FDNY
Never Forgotten


That worked! Thank you very much. My next question is how can I set things
so this does not keep happening in the future.

MowGreen [MVP]

I suspect the temp folders were created when .NET 2 SP1 was installed
and the installer looked for the drive with the greatest amount of free
space to use for the staging of the temp folders.
One poster atrtributed it to aborting the installation process, whether
intentionally or not.
As to the specific cause ... frankly, I do not know.
If it's an external drive you could always unplug it prior to installing
any future .NET updates/SPs.
I'd be reluctant to fiddle with an internal drive just to install
updates, if my original premise is correct.

MowGreen [MVP 2003-2008]
*-343-* FDNY
Never Forgotten

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