We have a kosk runing an application based in VB6, we migrater this
application to VB .NET 2005. We kept the controller application that is based
in tthe serial communication port that was developed in the VB6, this
application uses the MSCOMM ocx. The problem is that the .NET framework did
not recognaize the OCX. The only way is to install, only, the VB ACTIVEX
library. We have tryed everithing to avoid this manual instalation, we create
componets to install the ocx libraies without sucsses. Any idea of how to
install them
application to VB .NET 2005. We kept the controller application that is based
in tthe serial communication port that was developed in the VB6, this
application uses the MSCOMM ocx. The problem is that the .NET framework did
not recognaize the OCX. The only way is to install, only, the VB ACTIVEX
library. We have tryed everithing to avoid this manual instalation, we create
componets to install the ocx libraies without sucsses. Any idea of how to
install them