Net Folders Incompatibility betweet Outlook 2000/2003



Our office used the Net Folders functionality in Outlook
2000. Recently some of our people have obtained new
computers with Outlook 2003 and are unable to access the
shared Net Folder. Is there any way to integrate the
Outlook 2003 users into Net Folders?


Rick, on Mar 3 I had a similar question on
microsoft.public.outlook.calendars. Here's the reply:

"William Tatum[MSFT]" <[email protected]>
Due to some insonsistencies such as the one you are describing, this is not
a recommended feature as it has been discontintued on the later versions
(Outlook 2002 and 2003.)

Sue Moscher writes that to get some of that info back, you can go to for available third-party

This makes me a little wary to upgrade to 2003 as my wife and I run a
business and this is the way we share informatoin. It's not perfect, but it
works. Hope this helps.

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