I post this message after trying this for two days. Maybe I would have
to post this message in another group, but I'm sure you will
be going to inform me of that.
Using a .NET component (in fact a single C# class) as a COM component
(inproc server) from an native C++ application running both on a Pocket
PC 2003 (currently x86 Emulator only) using Visual Studio 2005 (RC).
The only task the native application performs is calling the .NET
Component, which opens a MessageBox
Visaul Studio 2005 Solution Settings
- (Server) .NET Component: C# Smart Device Class Library (PPC2003)
- (Client) Native Application: Visual C++ (native) Smart Device Console
Application supporting MFC and ATL (PPC2003)
It looks like the registration of the .NET COM Component fails on the
target and .NET component is never called. I can build both
applications without any errors or warnings. I have developed exactly
the same applications to be executed on my development host (Windows
XP, SP2) and that works perfectly well. But the point is, that Visual
Studio 2005 performs the registration of the .NET Component as an COM
component on the host automatically. Thus I have tried to do that
manually with the following source code and build tasks:
..NET Application
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
[GuidAttribute("A045D415-4877-450d-9FF5-8F9230878EBE")] //GUID created
using guidgen.exe
public interface ICFMessager
void ShowMessage();
public class CFMessager : ICFMessager
public CFMessager()
//empty default constructor
public void ShowMessage()
MessageBox.Show("Hello from managed world", "Managed Window");
Native Application
#import "../CFMessage/cfmessage.tlb" raw_interfaces_only
void OnBtnClick()
//inititalize COM
//Instantiate .NET Component
StringFromCLSID(__uuidof(cfmessage::CFMessager), &strGUID);
cfmessage::ICFMessagerPtr comPtr(strGUID);
//this should open a managed message box
In my opinion it takes the following steps to create both of the above
mentioned components:
(on the development host)
1. Compile .NET Component: csc /target:library /out:cfmessage.dll
/r:System.Windows.Forms.dll CFMessager.cs
2. Export Type Library: tlbexp cfmessage.dll /out:cfmessage.tlb
3. Compile & Deploy Native Application exe using Visual Studio 2005
After this step the cfmessage.dll should be registered on the pocket pc
2003 target. I've tried the following
- using a 3rd party regsvrce.exe, which did not work (terminates with
error code 87 'invalid parameter')
- packing the tlb into the native exe and registering it using
RegisterTypeLib() function on the target, which did not work. (no
registration takes place)
I tracked down the problem to the _com_ptr_t function in comip.h, where
a COM Error is issued. A weired fact is, that strGUID does not match
with the GUID set in CFMessage.cs in the GuidAttribute, when i debug
the application.
What am I doing wrong or how could I register the .NET Component on the
Thanks in advance for any help and hints,
Regards Willy
I post this message after trying this for two days. Maybe I would have
to post this message in another group, but I'm sure you will
be going to inform me of that.
Using a .NET component (in fact a single C# class) as a COM component
(inproc server) from an native C++ application running both on a Pocket
PC 2003 (currently x86 Emulator only) using Visual Studio 2005 (RC).
The only task the native application performs is calling the .NET
Component, which opens a MessageBox
Visaul Studio 2005 Solution Settings
- (Server) .NET Component: C# Smart Device Class Library (PPC2003)
- (Client) Native Application: Visual C++ (native) Smart Device Console
Application supporting MFC and ATL (PPC2003)
It looks like the registration of the .NET COM Component fails on the
target and .NET component is never called. I can build both
applications without any errors or warnings. I have developed exactly
the same applications to be executed on my development host (Windows
XP, SP2) and that works perfectly well. But the point is, that Visual
Studio 2005 performs the registration of the .NET Component as an COM
component on the host automatically. Thus I have tried to do that
manually with the following source code and build tasks:
..NET Application
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
[GuidAttribute("A045D415-4877-450d-9FF5-8F9230878EBE")] //GUID created
using guidgen.exe
public interface ICFMessager
void ShowMessage();
public class CFMessager : ICFMessager
public CFMessager()
//empty default constructor
public void ShowMessage()
MessageBox.Show("Hello from managed world", "Managed Window");
Native Application
#import "../CFMessage/cfmessage.tlb" raw_interfaces_only
void OnBtnClick()
//inititalize COM
//Instantiate .NET Component
StringFromCLSID(__uuidof(cfmessage::CFMessager), &strGUID);
cfmessage::ICFMessagerPtr comPtr(strGUID);
//this should open a managed message box
In my opinion it takes the following steps to create both of the above
mentioned components:
(on the development host)
1. Compile .NET Component: csc /target:library /out:cfmessage.dll
/r:System.Windows.Forms.dll CFMessager.cs
2. Export Type Library: tlbexp cfmessage.dll /out:cfmessage.tlb
3. Compile & Deploy Native Application exe using Visual Studio 2005
After this step the cfmessage.dll should be registered on the pocket pc
2003 target. I've tried the following
- using a 3rd party regsvrce.exe, which did not work (terminates with
error code 87 'invalid parameter')
- packing the tlb into the native exe and registering it using
RegisterTypeLib() function on the target, which did not work. (no
registration takes place)
I tracked down the problem to the _com_ptr_t function in comip.h, where
a COM Error is issued. A weired fact is, that strGUID does not match
with the GUID set in CFMessage.cs in the GuidAttribute, when i debug
the application.
What am I doing wrong or how could I register the .NET Component on the
Thanks in advance for any help and hints,
Regards Willy