Marcel Overweel
I have been searching for a solution to handle analog (data) modems fo
some days now, but nothing seems to be working.
Tried JulMar's (a)tapi classes, something called tapi3lib, and some other
pieces of code from sources like the code project and such.
Also demo/eval versions of licensed software.
All of them fail on making a call. However, all programs are able to
detect/list the modem and query for device capabilities.
The modem is working correctly when tested with hyperterminal
entering AT commands manually. The modem is also properly detected
properly in Windows telephone/modem config.
I've read contradictory information on the web.
People are saying that .net/c# and tapi is simply a no go situation.
Others say, although not supported by Microsoft, it works flawlessly.
Nowhere, I can find a reason why it shouldn't work.
I know I can fall back on the serial port class and handle all AT commands
and responses myself. But that would bring a lot of configuration issues to
the user of the program. I thought Tapi was THE solution to modem
config problems. But now it seems Microsoft completely ignores this api
in the .net environment.
Or am I missing something here?
I have been searching for a solution to handle analog (data) modems fo
some days now, but nothing seems to be working.
Tried JulMar's (a)tapi classes, something called tapi3lib, and some other
pieces of code from sources like the code project and such.
Also demo/eval versions of licensed software.
All of them fail on making a call. However, all programs are able to
detect/list the modem and query for device capabilities.
The modem is working correctly when tested with hyperterminal
entering AT commands manually. The modem is also properly detected
properly in Windows telephone/modem config.
I've read contradictory information on the web.
People are saying that .net/c# and tapi is simply a no go situation.
Others say, although not supported by Microsoft, it works flawlessly.
Nowhere, I can find a reason why it shouldn't work.
I know I can fall back on the serial port class and handle all AT commands
and responses myself. But that would bring a lot of configuration issues to
the user of the program. I thought Tapi was THE solution to modem
config problems. But now it seems Microsoft completely ignores this api
in the .net environment.
Or am I missing something here?