Where is an official document abouit the new CLI binding ? Is there word
about when the new CLI binding will be implemented by MS for VS .Net ?
Here's an announcement made by Herb Sutter from
http://www.gotw.ca/microsoft/ in October:
For the past year, I've been working on something that has now become
public, and I hope that it's an important statement about the future
relevance of C++ on modern platforms. In particular, I think it
demonstrates that C++ is alive and well in the industry in general,
and in particular that it's alive and well (and the subject of heavy
and continued investment) at Microsoft.
Increasingly, we are writing programs targeted to modern environments
characterized by a virtual machine with garbage collection. Leading
examples include the JVM and the .NET CLR (ISO CLI, or Common
Language Infrastructure, is the standardized subset of the .NET
runtime environment and frameworks class library). But Standard C++
has no notion of now-fundamental concepts like garbage collection.
Is C++ simply obsolescent? No; it can be cleanly extended to
directly support these modern environments. Further, C++ actually
offers compelling advantages that can make it the language of choice
for your application, even on the "home turf" of newer languages
specifically designed for these new environments.
The Managed Extensions for C++ (aka "Managed C++") were only partly
successful. They achieved an important goal well: The ability to take
existing C++ code and just recompile it with /clr and have it running
on the virtual machine, and then to start adding .NET features and
types. Unfortunately, they achieved other goals less well: As soon as
you tried to add .NET types and features to your system, the syntax
was uneven and sometimes just weird (e.g., T* meant three different
and incompatible things depending on the type of T), the extensions
looked ugly (e.g., __keywords), and they lacked first-class support
for some fundamental CLR features (e.g., __property decorations on
individual member functions that the compiler would cobble together
for you, instead of a property abstraction). More importantly, MC++
followed what I call the "two worlds" hypothesis -- it did expose the
important CLR features, but only for CLR types, not native types; and
it did not expose native C++ features also for CLR types. The two
worlds were grafted together, not integrated. This has been a
constant source of surprises to programmers who always have to
remember the list of things that don't work, or work differently,
when using CLR types.
Well, we've been working on it. My current job is that I'm the lead
architect for the language design team, and together with bright
people both inside and outside of Microsoft (and names you would
recognize), we have come up with a design for the .NET extensions
that meets all of the following goals:
- provides an elegant (and uniform!) syntax and semantics that give
a natural feel for C++ programmers
- provides first-class support for all current and upcoming .NET
features (e.g., properties, events, garbage collection, generics)
for all types including existing C++ classes
- provides first-class support for C++ features (e.g.,
deterministic destruction, templates) for all types
including .NET classes
- preserves ISO C++ standards conformance (by adding pure
extensions, but also in a way that we don't need to use "__"
(See also
http://www.gotw.ca/microsoft .)
Further, we're not keeping it to ourselves: On October 6, 2003, a new
ECMA standards committee was formed to create an open international
standard for "C++/CLI," this set of extensions to C++. Formally,
C++/CLI is a binding between ISO C++ and ISO CLI; the announcement is
www.ecma-international.org/news/ecma-TG5-PR.htm . This is
important because it specifically enables other compiler vendors to
implement the same extensions _and_ guarantee that they can fully
For those who are interested in seeing the shape of the project, we
will be making the proposed standard's base document (the "starting
point" document) publicly available on November 15, and I'll post a
link to it in a future issue of this newsletter. Then, starting in
December 2003, the new ECMA committee will take over the base
document and craft it into a consensus standard, which Microsoft will
track (i.e., we will incorporate changes the committee makes into our
product). The participants are tentatively planning to complete the
technical work by September 2004, which would let the ECMA General
Assembly vote on issuing the standard in December 2004.
I'll post more news bits and links as they become available. I'll
also be giving more talks about this language extensions design over
the coming months; for more details as events get scheduled, see my
"Talks & Appearances" page at
http://www.gotw.ca/presentations.htm ,
and you can also watch the "News" page,
http://www.gotw.ca/news.htm .
There was also a hugh thread about it on comp.lang.c++.moderated which you
can referrence here:
http://groups.google.com/[email protected]