.net binding

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Hello all:
I do not fully understand what I am asking for so please bear with me.
I need to find out how does .NET binds to a non MS database. My boss
wants to adapt our existing product which runs on MS SQL server 2k to
run on Oracle and MySQL. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
see if this help:
OraDirect .NET - ADO .NET provider for Oracle Data Provider for direct
access to Oracle database. By Core Lab.

Best Practices for Using ADO.NET (ADO.NET Technical Articles) Best practices
for writing Microsoft ADO.NET code and suggestions for developers on using
the objects available in ADO.NET.
msdn.microsoft.com/library/ en-us/dnadonet/html/adonetbest.asp - 64k -

ADO.NET, Data Provider, Managed Code, Oracle .NET, ADO .NET ... ADO.NET at
DataDirect. Your source for data provider, managed code, Oracle .NET and

( all from google search on .net ado)

and verify if your dotnet app uses ado
search also on Google for dotnet database connection:
..NET 247 : Database Connections - Toolbox or Code? on microsoft ...
Database Connections - Toolbox or Code? Messages, Related Types. This
was discovered on microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.odbcnet. ...
www.dotnet247.com/247reference/msgs/29/148074.aspx - 13k - Cached - Similar

Retrieving Database Metadata using C# and .NET by Gopalan Suresh Raj
After a database connection is opened in the DatabaseInfo's constructor,
information is obtained from the database that lists the table metadata
ado.net_retrieving_database_metadata.html - 33k - Cached - Similar pages
Using .NET and SQL Server for web database connectivity
This page has one example of a database connection using SQL Server to
.... <title>Test of dot net for database connections - uses Latham on SQL ...
www.campus.ncl.ac.uk/databases/dotnet/sqldotnet.html - 10k - Cached -
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