.NET Auto-Deploy app through ISA Server

  • Thread starter Thread starter Norm Dotti
  • Start date Start date

Norm Dotti

I got asked about any known issues in running an
autodeploy winform app through an ISA Server. The winform
client makes web services calls back to the server (and
again through the ISA Server) that it was autodeployed
from. Is anyone aware of any issues with this scenario?
Supposedly all caching is turned off on the ISA Server.
Hi Norm,

From my understanding, you want to auto deploy a winform app to your
clients which were behind an ISA Server, your client will make WebService
Requests to the server, server will not call back to the client. Please
correct me, if I misunderstood your problem.

Normally, auto-deploy app is based on HTTP protocol and your WebService is
also use HTTP or HTTPS protocol, If your client can connect to the port 80
and 443 of the server, you should be able to do autodeploy.
If you got any problem, you may look at the fusion log to see which step
causes the problem, you may read this document to see how to view the
fusion log
<Assembly Binding Log Viewer (Fuslogvw.exe)>


Best regards,

Ying-Shen Yu [MSFT]
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