.NET application switching users (user A is shown user B profile)

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I have a serious problem in .NET currently. I am hoping somebody out there
can help me.

I have a ASP.NET application written in VB.NET and requires the user to log
in. I authenticate user using LDAP, so if the user id is active in our
company NT network he/she can log in with her/his user id/password.

Now first John Smith logs in, using the application, then there is a welcome
header that says 'Welcome John Smith'. Then Jane Jones logs in with her user
id/password, but she sees the welcome header as 'Welcome John Smith' !!! So,
here John smith's session is shared by Jane which is neither expected nor

I wonder if it is proxy server doing this mischief.

How do I avoid this, please please help.

Thank you,


"...fear is the path to the darkside, fear leads to anger, anger leads to
hate, hate leads to suffering..."
-- Master Yoda, Jedi Master
a coding error on your part. you are storing login info in a vb module, or a
shared (static) variable. these are shared acoss all page instances, you its
always the last value set.

-- bruce (sqlwork.com)