.NET 4.0 Released

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Mark Rae said:
.NET 4.0 is a long way off being released - this is an early beta...

Long way....

Even though it's a long way, just the paper from the link above makes me
drool with all the new features and rewrites of Visual Studio. One thing I
know VS has been missing for a LOOONG time is multi-monitor support and more
support for parallel programming.

Yay :)

I may be a tad bit over-enjoying the thought of the next Visual Studio
release, but relax, I'm in a bliss state of ignorance being that I haven't
even downloaded the new beta :D

hehehe. How can you paste a URL with the word "Betas" in it and say it is
released? :-)
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.NET 4.0 is a long way off being released - this is an early beta...

Well, beta means no more features to be introduced, hence folks you
get a head start and learn them...

That sound you hear was Jon's example flying over your head*. The site does
not exist; he was merely showing how the presence of "beta" in a URL does
not necessarily imply that the URL cannot possibly lead to release software.

* I clicked the link too, but then I figured it out.