.NET 2.0 vs .NET 1.1 - comparsion

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I been asjed to provide comparsion between 2.0 and 1.1 and realized I do not
know too much about subject.

I know there is generics, faster runtime and better tools... but can
somebody point me to better comaprsion guide? Why should we move to .NET 2.0 ?

2.0 is only 2 month away.
the developer experience has been really improved by the things you mention
(increased producitivty, code reliability, etc....).
there is also slightly better performance
there are new GUI controls such as a WebBrowser control, more advanced (and
Office like) menu strip & tab strip. There are more intelligent layout panel
(FlowPane, TablePanel), ASP.NET is dramatically easier, ADO.NET receive some
very nice lifting and there is a new (much more powerfull)(winforma base)

personally I won't go back to 1.1 for anything. why use old technology when
new one is so much better?

the question you should ask your self is more like:
- is there compelling reason to stick with 1.1?

if you answer yes to any of the below question stick to 1.1, otherwise jump!
- should you release your software before November 7th (release date for
- do you consider downloading and installing .NET 2.0 overkill (20MB
- do you plan NOT TO buy VS2005?
Not sure of a one-stop place to get all information. Here are some sites that
will help.


A list of improvements:

There are tons of sites with upgraded features, but I am not sure any one
lists the plethora of changes.

Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!
Lloyd said:
personally I won't go back to 1.1 for anything. why use old technology when
new one is so much better?


Because distributing it along with my app is such a pain?

My single question is, really, does the 2.0 redistributable include 1.1
runtimes? Or am I gonna have to get my customers to first apply the 1.x
Framework, so that the stuff I've got in test today works for them when
we release in late December, or can I just tell them to get 2.0 from
Windows Update when it's time?

1.1 & 2.0 are like separate product
2.0 doesn't requires 1.1
also if you create a .MSI with VS.NET it will automatically detect the
presence (or absence) of .NET 2.0 and redirect them to the required page, if