I have come across with what appears to be a significant performance bug in
..NET 2.0 ArrayList.Sort method when compared with Array.Sort on the same
data. Same data on the same CPU gets sorted a lot faster with both methods
using .NET 1.1, that's why I am pretty sure its a (rather serious) bug. Below
you can find C# test case that should allow you to reproduce this error, to
run it you will need to put 2 data files into current directory where
executable is or just change filename pathes accordingly, the data files can
be obtained from here:
fast_data.txt: http://majestic12.co.uk/files/other/dotnet2bug/fast_data.txt
slow_data.txt: http://majestic12.co.uk/files/other/dotnet2bug/slow_data.txt
The data are strings (URLs) of about similar size in bytes and number.
The following are the console outputs from code on the same machine (AMD x2
3800, 2 GB RAM, XP Pro SP2):
VS2003 .NET 1.1 (with SP1) run:
Loaded 29974 lines from file slow_data.txt
Time to sort strings in ArrayList is: 250 msec
Time to sort strings in string[] array is: 234 msec
Loaded 31688 lines from file fast_data.txt
Time to sort strings in ArrayList is: 250 msec
Time to sort strings in string[] array is: 250 msec
Note that sorting times are almost exactly the same here, so all good in
..NET 1.1 .
VS2005 .NET 2.0 run:
Loaded 29974 lines from file slow_data.txt
Time to sort strings in ArrayList is: 1531 msec
Time to sort strings in string[] array is: 187 msec
Loaded 31688 lines from file fast_data.txt
Time to sort strings in ArrayList is: 703 msec
Time to sort strings in string[] array is: 171 msec
Press ENTER to exit
Notice that on the same machine with the same data sorting times are MUCH
slower in ArrayList.Sort, and particularly for the "slow_data.txt" file,
Array.Sort times are actually better, so I am not complaining there, but
clearly ArrayList sorts are seriously flawed - this appears to be data
dependent and by that I don't mean size of the data or number of strings: I
have got lots of such data files and about every 10th of them is 10-20 times
slower than the other even though it has got about the same number of lines
and bytesize.
Note: I am aware of boxing/unboxing overheads when dealing with ArrayLists,
however in this case the slowdown is really bad comparing to .NET 1.1 and it
appears to be data dependent - I am getting it on about 10% of my dataset
from which I have selected 2 examples (slow and fast) to demonstrate that its
a very serious performance issue.
Here is the code that should allow you to replicate the problem:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
This is a test case of what appears to be a major performance issue in
ArrayList.Sort method for strings
in .NET 2.0 - it appears to be data dependant as some similarly sized
data files have got a lot less
performance penalty when sorting them using Array.Sort method on
string[] array.
The kicker: both versions run fast in .NET 1.1
Author: Alex Chudnovsky <[email protected]>
Date: 28 Apr 2006
namespace Majestic12
/// <summary>
/// Tests sorting performance of Array.Sort of string[] versus
ArrayList.Sort of the same strings
/// It appears that in .NET 2.0 in some cases ArrayList will take a LOT
more time to do the sorting
/// </summary>
class SlowArrayListSortTest
static void Main(string[] args)
// load strings from file: assumed to be in the same place as
the executable
TestFile("slow_data.txt"); // <--- this data file has got 10
times slower
TestFile("fast_data.txt"); // <--- more reasonable 2 times slower
Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to exit");
static void TestFile(string sFile)
FileStream oFS=File.OpenRead(sFile);
ArrayList oLines=new ArrayList();
StreamReader oSR=new StreamReader(oFS);
Console.WriteLine("Loaded {0} lines from file
// now copy same strings into string array for speed comparisons
string[] sLines=new string[oLines.Count];
for(int i=0;i<sLines.Length;i++)
DateTime oTime=DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("Time to sort strings in ArrayList is: {0}
Console.WriteLine("Time to sort strings in string[] array is:
{0} msec",(DateTime.Now.Ticks-oTime.Ticks)/TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond);
..NET 2.0 ArrayList.Sort method when compared with Array.Sort on the same
data. Same data on the same CPU gets sorted a lot faster with both methods
using .NET 1.1, that's why I am pretty sure its a (rather serious) bug. Below
you can find C# test case that should allow you to reproduce this error, to
run it you will need to put 2 data files into current directory where
executable is or just change filename pathes accordingly, the data files can
be obtained from here:
fast_data.txt: http://majestic12.co.uk/files/other/dotnet2bug/fast_data.txt
slow_data.txt: http://majestic12.co.uk/files/other/dotnet2bug/slow_data.txt
The data are strings (URLs) of about similar size in bytes and number.
The following are the console outputs from code on the same machine (AMD x2
3800, 2 GB RAM, XP Pro SP2):
VS2003 .NET 1.1 (with SP1) run:
Loaded 29974 lines from file slow_data.txt
Time to sort strings in ArrayList is: 250 msec
Time to sort strings in string[] array is: 234 msec
Loaded 31688 lines from file fast_data.txt
Time to sort strings in ArrayList is: 250 msec
Time to sort strings in string[] array is: 250 msec
Note that sorting times are almost exactly the same here, so all good in
..NET 1.1 .
VS2005 .NET 2.0 run:
Loaded 29974 lines from file slow_data.txt
Time to sort strings in ArrayList is: 1531 msec
Time to sort strings in string[] array is: 187 msec
Loaded 31688 lines from file fast_data.txt
Time to sort strings in ArrayList is: 703 msec
Time to sort strings in string[] array is: 171 msec
Press ENTER to exit
Notice that on the same machine with the same data sorting times are MUCH
slower in ArrayList.Sort, and particularly for the "slow_data.txt" file,
Array.Sort times are actually better, so I am not complaining there, but
clearly ArrayList sorts are seriously flawed - this appears to be data
dependent and by that I don't mean size of the data or number of strings: I
have got lots of such data files and about every 10th of them is 10-20 times
slower than the other even though it has got about the same number of lines
and bytesize.
Note: I am aware of boxing/unboxing overheads when dealing with ArrayLists,
however in this case the slowdown is really bad comparing to .NET 1.1 and it
appears to be data dependent - I am getting it on about 10% of my dataset
from which I have selected 2 examples (slow and fast) to demonstrate that its
a very serious performance issue.
Here is the code that should allow you to replicate the problem:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
This is a test case of what appears to be a major performance issue in
ArrayList.Sort method for strings
in .NET 2.0 - it appears to be data dependant as some similarly sized
data files have got a lot less
performance penalty when sorting them using Array.Sort method on
string[] array.
The kicker: both versions run fast in .NET 1.1
Author: Alex Chudnovsky <[email protected]>
Date: 28 Apr 2006
namespace Majestic12
/// <summary>
/// Tests sorting performance of Array.Sort of string[] versus
ArrayList.Sort of the same strings
/// It appears that in .NET 2.0 in some cases ArrayList will take a LOT
more time to do the sorting
/// </summary>
class SlowArrayListSortTest
static void Main(string[] args)
// load strings from file: assumed to be in the same place as
the executable
TestFile("slow_data.txt"); // <--- this data file has got 10
times slower
TestFile("fast_data.txt"); // <--- more reasonable 2 times slower
Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to exit");
static void TestFile(string sFile)
FileStream oFS=File.OpenRead(sFile);
ArrayList oLines=new ArrayList();
StreamReader oSR=new StreamReader(oFS);
Console.WriteLine("Loaded {0} lines from file
// now copy same strings into string array for speed comparisons
string[] sLines=new string[oLines.Count];
for(int i=0;i<sLines.Length;i++)
DateTime oTime=DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("Time to sort strings in ArrayList is: {0}
Console.WriteLine("Time to sort strings in string[] array is:
{0} msec",(DateTime.Now.Ticks-oTime.Ticks)/TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond);