Hi, wow, componentizing the new framework is a serious challenge! <grin>
The way the new CLR installs itself compared to 1.0, 1.1 and 1.1sp1 is
different and proving to be interesting. The older versions used OC Manager
(which uses an INF in this case) to install itself on Windows. This new
version does not, it's MSI only. Converting the MSI to a component is
trickier than using an INF and letting FBA's OCMgr take care of it.
So we're testing an internal version of the component today after having
converted the MSI to SLD. But the million dollar questions are going to be:
-How difficult will it be to service it since the hotfixes will be MSI based
-How difficult will it be to get MUI versions of the framework on the device
- What's the story around supporting side by side versions of the framework
(imagine you want .net 2.0 & 1.0 on the same device).
Our goal is to have all of these questions and issues and challenges
resolved and a component shipped early in Q2 of this year.
In the meantime you can immediately deploy the framework to your device by
using this blog article and macro component:
Thank you.