.NET 1.1 SmartNavigation problem

  • Thread starter Elliot Rodriguez
  • Start date

Elliot Rodriguez

I am sure I'm not the only person whos experienced this :)

In using SmartNavigation I notice that every few times my page posts back,
attempts to read from the Request.Form collection bomb with Object Reference
Not Set to an Object errors.

My page contains a number of controls that obviously postback. It is not a
reliably reproductable error. If I reload AFTER the error all my page state
is lost; its as if the user visited the page the first time.

Since its pretty obvious in my web research that SmartNavigation is bugged,
anyone have a better workaround? I've seen a couple, but I'm not entirely
happy with them.

IE6 fully patched, BTW.


Adrian Parker

I'm just looking at this as well, mostly because smartnav can interfere with response.redirect. I think the best approach I've
seen is where you create a hidden field and store the current scroll position on formsubmit, and then in your code, output some
javascript to restore that scroll position on postback.

Elliot Rodriguez

Thanks for the reply Adrian. I ended up using a control from 4GuysFromRolla
that seems to do the trick. Thankfully this is an IE only application.

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