Nested Tabs

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Access 97.

I am quite experienced in programming and using forms and subforms etc but I
have a request from a user to make the data entry easier. This is more of a
"can it be done" question than a plea for lead my by the hand. I have not
done a lot with the tab control until now.

I have three tables as follows:

A one to many to B, B one to many to C

I would like to display all the information relating to the patient who is
in table A on the same form. Can I use nested tab controls containing the
subforms and will I need code to link the change in table B (new admission
episode) to show the relevant details in table C? Is this likely to slow
things down too much?



Your question really relates to forms and subforms, rather than to tab

The answer is Yes, you can certainly do this. One approach would be to
have a form based on table A, and on this form, put two subforms, based
on table B and table C. Then, put a hidden, unbound textbox on the main
form, with its Control Source set to...
.... where B_ID is the field in table B which is the basis of its
relationship with table C. Then, you just set the Link Master Fields
property of the table C subform to this textbox.
The effect of this will be that the table C subform will show the table
C data for the current table B record.

If it suits your purposes, these subforms can certainly be placed on
different tabs of a tab control. However, if your question implied
something about a tab control on a tab control, then No, this can't be done.