Darren Kozey via AccessMonster.com
I'm having a problem linking a subform that sits on an unbound form (that
is also a subform), with the primary key field in the main form to allow
synchronizing of the records. I will try to illustrate the structure below:
Contacts - Main form bound to "Contacts" table with ContactID as key
|___frmEstimate - bound by "SELECT DISTINCTROW Contacts.* FROM Contacts
WHERE ((Contacts.ContactID=forms!Contacts!ContactID));"
|___subfrmEstimateSummary - unbound
|___subfrmConsummables - bound to "tblConsumables"
There are 3 levels of subforms: frmEstimate, subfrmEstimateSummary,
subfrmConsummables. The tblConsummables is related to Contacts via
ContactID as one-to-many.
I am trying to link the child field of the subfrmConsummables ContactID
with the main Contacts form ContactID, but because the parent subform
(subfrmEstimateSummary) is unbound, I can not link the child and master
fields. I know they can be typed in manually, but I'm not sure what to
type, and even if it will work with the structure I have above.
Appreciate the help,
is also a subform), with the primary key field in the main form to allow
synchronizing of the records. I will try to illustrate the structure below:
Contacts - Main form bound to "Contacts" table with ContactID as key
|___frmEstimate - bound by "SELECT DISTINCTROW Contacts.* FROM Contacts
WHERE ((Contacts.ContactID=forms!Contacts!ContactID));"
|___subfrmEstimateSummary - unbound
|___subfrmConsummables - bound to "tblConsumables"
There are 3 levels of subforms: frmEstimate, subfrmEstimateSummary,
subfrmConsummables. The tblConsummables is related to Contacts via
ContactID as one-to-many.
I am trying to link the child field of the subfrmConsummables ContactID
with the main Contacts form ContactID, but because the parent subform
(subfrmEstimateSummary) is unbound, I can not link the child and master
fields. I know they can be typed in manually, but I'm not sure what to
type, and even if it will work with the structure I have above.
Appreciate the help,