nested statements

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I'm having trouble writing what I think is a nested formula :

If A is >=460 and A is <=1088 Then this formula should be used:

If A is >=1089 and A is <=1716 Then this formula should be used

I want the response returned to one cell. This formula is to calculate CA
state taxes.

You don't say what happens outside of the figures you gave but try:

)*2%+4.6,"Outside Range"))


Whoops, forgot the third argument

=IF(A<460,"Below Range",IF(A<=1088,A*2%-4.6,IF(A<=1716,A*4%-26.36,"Above

But I think you'll find the technique at my link easier to maintain,
especially if you use tables instead of hardcoding the rates.
Hi People: Sorry I wasn't more clear. Here goes:

I came up with this formula and it seems to work, but if I test it by
plugging in the variable Q15=2500, it doesn't return the correct calculation
according to the formula contained in the OR statement

My second formula will not calculate correctly either:

Where Q15=1179.57, the answer should be "20.82." But it keeps returning

Thanks for your help
First, your SUM()'s are unnecessary, and your OR()s return a TRUE or
FALSE value, which when multiplied, are interpreted by XL as 1 or 0,



Second formula:


which, if you really want 20.82, should be
