I'm still confused as to what has to appear on the name tag.
To get the names of the parents, you can create and save 2 intermediary
queries, one that returns just the family heads (call it qryFamilyHead), and
one that returns just the spouses (call it qryFamilySpouse). Make sure you
include fldSecurityKey in each query.
Given your example, qryFamilyHead should return:
fldFirstName fldLastName fldFamilyPosition fldSecurityKey
Jennifer Berry head 214
David Jones head 506
and qryFamilySpouse should return
fldFirstName fldLastName fldFamilyPosition fldSecurityKey
Cheryl Jones spouse 506
Now, create a query that joins those two queries together using a Left Join.
Drag qryFamilyHead in the query builder, then drag qryFamilySpouse. Drag
fldSecurityKey from qryFamilyHead to qryFamilySpouse so that a line appears
between the two tables. Select that line, right-click to get the Join
Properties option, and select the 2nd option ("Include ALL records from
'qryFamilyHead' and only those records from 'qryFamilySpouse where the
joined fields are equal.") Drag the fldFirstName, fldLastName and
fldSecurityKey fields from qryFamilyHead into the grid, and fldFirstName and
fldLastName from qryFamilySpouse. Where you see fldFirstName and fldLastName
from qryFamilyHead in the grid, type aliases in front ot the field names so
that you have HeadFirstName: fldFirstName and HeadLastName: fldLastName. Do
the same with the fields from qryFamilySpouse (so that you have
SpouseFirstName: fldFirstName and SpouseLastName: fldLastName) Run the
query. You should get:
HeadFirstName HeadLastName fldSecurityKey SpouseFirstName SpouseLastName
Jennifer Berry 214
David Jones 506 Cheryl
The row for Jennifer will actually have Null values for SpouseFirstName and
Now you can join the names together.
You can either do this in the query itself, or in the report. To be totally
flexible, you should probably compare HeadLastName to SpouseLastName, so
that you can print Mark Black & Cheryl Smith rather than Mark & Cheryl
Black. The logic would be something like:
IIf(IsNullI([SpouseLastName]), [HeadFirstName] & " " & [HeadLastName],
IIf([SpouseLastName] = [HeadLastName]), [HeadFirstName] & " & " &
[SpouseFirstName] & " " & [HeadLastName], [HeadFirstName] & " " &
[HeadLastName & " & " [SpouseFirstName] & " " & [SpouseLastName]))
Post back if you need the children names to appear on the tags as well.
Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP
(no e-mails, please!)
Serendipity said:
Thanks for hanging in there to help me with this.
This is what an unformatted name tag would look like. Each line accurately
illustrates what would be on each line of the name tab--minus the comment.
Jones (family last name)
Jeremy Julie Amy (they have three kids)
David and Cheryl Jones (that is the parents first names and last name)
506 (Family security number for daycare)
Legitimate value for fldFamilyPosition are: head (dad or single mom),
(mom), and child
Here are the records for a single-mom family:
fldFirstName fldLastName fldFamilyPosition fldSecurityKey
Jennifer Berry head 214
Jason Berry child 214
Chloe Berry child 214
Each line (family member) is a separate record. Additionally, there are
field in each record for family number and individual number.
Here are the records for a two-parent family:
David Jones head 506
Cheryl Jones spouse 506
Jeremy Jones child 506
Julie Jones child 506
Amy Jones child 506
Each family member is entered in a separate record. (imported)
Only parents with children in daycare will get a name tag. They present
name tag in order to pick up their children. So only families with kids
in this table.
The thing I can't figure out is how to make it work because each family
member is in a separate record.
Did my best. Hope it makes sense.
Douglas J. Steele said:
Actually, a few more pieces of information.
Are you only trying to get name tags for the adults, or for the kids as
What are the legitimate values for fldFamilyPosition? I'm assuming this
where head and spouse will be: what else? Also, if you've got a single
adult, what will that value be?
Pasting, say, 10 rows of data (showing a couple with kids, a couple with
kids, a single parent with kids and an adult with no family) would be
useful. For the data you post, show what name tags you want.
Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP
(no e-mails, please!)
There is only one table because that is how it imported. This table has
fields: fldLastName, fldFirstName, fldFamilyID, fldIndividualID,
fldFamilyPosition, fldSecuityKey (applies to all members in family).
family member is a different record. Hope I covered everything without
If you want help, you're going to have to provide more information!
What do your tables look like?
Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP
(no e-mails, please!)
Yes, they have a common family number.
What do your tables look like? I understand that David would have
spouse) and Sherri would have spouse (or head), but is there any
that they're married to each other?
Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP
(no e-mails, please!)
The name should look like this:
David and Sherri Davis
But the David is in one record and the Sherri is in another
Davis is in both records--plus the kids records. Hope that makes
I'm sorry: I don't understand what your question is.
However, your use of Or in the IIf statement is incorrect: you
repeat the field name:
=IIf([FamilyPosition]="head" Or
& "
& [LastName]," ")
Alternatively, you could use In:
=IIf([FamilyPosition] In ("head", "spouse"),[FirstName] & " " &
Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP
(no e-mails, please!)
I have a table where each family member is in a separate record
from another program that has it that way). There is a
field. Each record has a fldFamilyPosition field, i.e., head,
I need to make a name tag that gets the dad's name (fldHead)
record and then mom's (fldSpouse) name out of another record
them together with the fldLastName on the same line. Here is
tried so far
=IIf([FamilyPosition]="head" Or "spouse",[FirstName] & " " &
This, of course, lists them on separate lines.
Thanks in advance for your help!