Nested "IF"

Jun 10, 2009
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I want to make a column that displays some results with colour coding. For example, there are a series of exams, and depending on the results, a student will "PASS" "FAIL" OR "RESIT". These pieces of text are copied and pasted with along with other information from a website. I was wondering if it is possible to colour these results. i.e.:
Pass = green
Fail = red
Resit = blue.
KimCop said:
I want to make a column that displays some results with colour coding. For example, there are a series of exams, and depending on the results, a student will "PASS" "FAIL" OR "RESIT". These pieces of text are copied and pasted with along with other information from a website. I was wondering if it is possible to colour these results. i.e.:
Pass = green
Fail = red
Resit = blue.

Hey welcome to the forum....:wave: :wave:
Always a good way to start...Now these things you are wanting to do, what program are you using, or do we need to guess...:p
Generally you say how do in the Introductions thread then move on to a software thread that is relevant to the OS you are running..LOL...Let us know what OS you are using and if you are trying to do this in Excel or XML or C++, you get the idea....