I am looking for a worksheet formula through which i should be able t
check more than 10 conditions with if(and(... as my requirement is t
check two cells, e.g. check if a3=10 and b3=7 then display in cel
address d3 "GOOD", else "OK". there are more than 10 conditions to b
checked. but i am unable to achieve all 11, i endup getting 7 correc
and rest it gives error in formula. May be excel do not allow us t
write more than 7 if(and(... formula. I am writing you the existin
formula which i have, but i am unable to add more conditions to it:
This was my existing formula, if i were to add more conditions it won
work. Please help me out. The conditions are around 10, and i hav
already told you few of those, please help me out.
check more than 10 conditions with if(and(... as my requirement is t
check two cells, e.g. check if a3=10 and b3=7 then display in cel
address d3 "GOOD", else "OK". there are more than 10 conditions to b
checked. but i am unable to achieve all 11, i endup getting 7 correc
and rest it gives error in formula. May be excel do not allow us t
write more than 7 if(and(... formula. I am writing you the existin
formula which i have, but i am unable to add more conditions to it:
This was my existing formula, if i were to add more conditions it won
work. Please help me out. The conditions are around 10, and i hav
already told you few of those, please help me out.