Here's the formula i've been trying to get to return a number:
this value can be one of three numbers:
I'm trying to get .041 if ApprovalDate(G2) is greater than 11/30/03.
If (G2) is less than 12/1/03 then I need to look to Bank/Trust(AU) and
see if it = "trust". If both of these are true then .045, else .0735.
I've tried it this way and it returns a value, but it's incorrect.
This returns .041, but in this row, G2 = 03-Sep-02.
Any ideas?
this value can be one of three numbers:
I'm trying to get .041 if ApprovalDate(G2) is greater than 11/30/03.
If (G2) is less than 12/1/03 then I need to look to Bank/Trust(AU) and
see if it = "trust". If both of these are true then .045, else .0735.
I've tried it this way and it returns a value, but it's incorrect.
This returns .041, but in this row, G2 = 03-Sep-02.
Any ideas?