Jarda Beran
I have a problem with nested form filtering.
Problem description (simplified a little bit):
I have table "EVENTS" in which a data about events are stored - fields are
EVENT_ID (automatically generated primary key), EVENT_NAME and PROCESS (in
this field user can via combo-box select process from another table called
Then I have table called EVENT_PROCESS_STEPS, where user can select several
process steps for an event. This is done again via combo-box - process steps
are loaded into combo-box from table called PROCESS_STEPS. In
EVENT_PROCESS_STEPS table I have fields RECORD_ID (automatically generated
primary key), EVENT_ID (supplied by Access engine through relations),
PROCESS_STEP_ID (combo-box selection from PROCESS_STEPS table).
Table PROCESSES has fields PROCESS_ID (automatically generated primary key),
Table PROCESS_STEPS has fields PROCESS_STEP_ID (automatically generated
primary key), PROCESS_ID (selected from PROCESSES table via combo-box),
Tables EVENTS and EVENT_PROCESS_STEPS have relationship 1:many through
EVENT_ID fields. Tables PROCESSES and PROCESS_STEPS have relationship 1:many
through PROCESS_ID fields.
I have form frmEVENT, with fields from table EVENT and on this form is
nested datasheet form frmEVENT_PROCESS_STEPS with fields from table
I need to filter form frmEVENT_PROCESS_STEPS so in combo-box PROCESS_STEP
user can select only process steps belonging to process selected in combo-box
PROCESS on parent frmEVENT.
Everything I have tried was not successfull, so I will be gratefull for any
I have a problem with nested form filtering.
Problem description (simplified a little bit):
I have table "EVENTS" in which a data about events are stored - fields are
EVENT_ID (automatically generated primary key), EVENT_NAME and PROCESS (in
this field user can via combo-box select process from another table called
Then I have table called EVENT_PROCESS_STEPS, where user can select several
process steps for an event. This is done again via combo-box - process steps
are loaded into combo-box from table called PROCESS_STEPS. In
EVENT_PROCESS_STEPS table I have fields RECORD_ID (automatically generated
primary key), EVENT_ID (supplied by Access engine through relations),
PROCESS_STEP_ID (combo-box selection from PROCESS_STEPS table).
Table PROCESSES has fields PROCESS_ID (automatically generated primary key),
Table PROCESS_STEPS has fields PROCESS_STEP_ID (automatically generated
primary key), PROCESS_ID (selected from PROCESSES table via combo-box),
Tables EVENTS and EVENT_PROCESS_STEPS have relationship 1:many through
EVENT_ID fields. Tables PROCESSES and PROCESS_STEPS have relationship 1:many
through PROCESS_ID fields.
I have form frmEVENT, with fields from table EVENT and on this form is
nested datasheet form frmEVENT_PROCESS_STEPS with fields from table
I need to filter form frmEVENT_PROCESS_STEPS so in combo-box PROCESS_STEP
user can select only process steps belonging to process selected in combo-box
PROCESS on parent frmEVENT.
Everything I have tried was not successfull, so I will be gratefull for any