Nested DataRelations in DataColumn.Expression

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul
  • Start date Start date


I have 3 tables in a dataset:

(1) Class
(2) Driver
(3) Meeting

Class is the parent of Driver and Driver the parent of
Meeting. Is it possible to add a DataColumn in Meeting
with an expression to directly access a column of Class?

I tried the expression "Parent(DriverMeeting).Parent
(ClassDriver).ColumnOfClass", but this resulted in an

If nested DataRelations aren't supported, what's the best
way to achieve the same?

Hi Paul,

As I always suggest - rather do it by yourself and avoid experssion columns.
If you insist - you should pass relation name to Parent method
(DriverMeeting and ClassDriver are not valid beacuse of illegal char ".").
And yup, you *can't* nest parents and childs.
If you still insist, you will have to create an expression on every level
(Driver table in your case) to get to the top level (Class).
Thanks Miha!

-----Original Message-----
Hi Paul,

As I always suggest - rather do it by yourself and avoid experssion columns.
If you insist - you should pass relation name to Parent method
(DriverMeeting and ClassDriver are not valid beacuse of illegal char ".").
And yup, you *can't* nest parents and childs.
If you still insist, you will have to create an expression on every level
(Driver table in your case) to get to the top level (Class).

Miha Markic - RightHand .NET consulting & software development
miha at rthand com
