Nero7 Ultra fails on Vista Beta 2



It looks like Nero 7 doesn't work on Vista Beta 2. Every time I try to
install it Windows Installer fails in a different stage. The result is the
same - no Nero 7. Very disappointing is the fact that Nero web site doesn't
even have any FAQ or update posted regarding this issue. I searched the
Internet and found that many people have the same complain. So far noone has
a solution.


It looks like Nero 7 doesn't work on Vista Beta 2. Every time I try to
install it Windows Installer fails in a different stage. The result is the
same - no Nero 7. Very disappointing is the fact that Nero web site doesn't
even have any FAQ or update posted regarding this issue. I searched the
Internet and found that many people have the same complain. So far noone has
a solution.

Heck...Nero Ultra 7 wont even work in XP Pro for me. I have contacted
Nero and sent them all the info that they wanted but they have not
emailed me back yet. Really ticks me off after paying about $60 to
upgrade to it.


I successfully installed Nero 6.6 on a Vista 64 bit system. The only
exception is INCD which does not work on a 64 bit system and that is posted
on the Nero website.

Michael Poulidis

I had the same problem. Unfortunately Nero 7 is NOT compatible with Vista
beta 2... I use nero 6.something as well.

Scott Glasgow

I've actually gotten it to install. It didn't create the short-cuts on the
menu or desktop. I can run it...I'm going to try burning with it right now,
which I never did try. I did erase a DVD. I'm burining the Vista Windows
SDK to a DVD+RW right now. I'll post and let you know if it worked ok. I
know people have had problems burning at max speed...but I still didn't
limit the speed...for testing purposes.

It just completed and is finishing up now. We'll see if it's correct.

Scott Glasgow

It burned the DVD without any issues and full speed while playing music,
VS.NET 2005 open, web browser opened, and IIS Manager opened along with
Outlook 2007.

I know I had a ton of issues trying to install, and the components I did not
select to install were the inCD and BurnRights I thought...although the x36
control panel has the BurnRights cpl there.

Again, the install didn't get all the way to the icons, but
the application was in the x32 program files directory and I am able to burn
discs. I did not try any of the other modules (BackItUp, Recode, SoundBox,
SoundTrax, StartSmart, ToolKit, or WaveEditor) to see if those work.

Les Herrman

It burned the DVD without any issues and full speed while playing music,
VS.NET 2005 open, web browser opened, and IIS Manager opened along with
Outlook 2007.

I know I had a ton of issues trying to install, and the components I did not
select to install were the inCD and BurnRights I thought...although the x36
control panel has the BurnRights cpl there.

Again, the install didn't get all the way to the icons, but
the application was in the x32 program files directory and I am able to burn
discs. I did not try any of the other modules (BackItUp, Recode, SoundBox,
SoundTrax, StartSmart, ToolKit, or WaveEditor) to see if those work.


Nero Ultra 7 will not even work on my XP setup, so the fact that you
could get it to work under Vista is amazing to me.

Nero tried to blame it on my DVD burner. Told them that was not an
acceptable answer as my burnewr is pretty new and it works with Nero 6
OEM which came with it.

Told them they need to come up with a better answer or I will be
demanding a refund.


Sorry to hear that. I have never had any trouble with Nero on XP. Try to log
on under different account and try - sometimes user profile gets broken.
About Vista: just sent an email to Nero - we'll see what thay have to say

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