Windows XP Nero userimages file

Jan 4, 2003
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Anyone any idea why everytime I run Nero 7 i have a PSD file appear on my desktop called 'userimages' they are actually a strip of smiley pictures.

I have no idea why they appear whenever I run the program :wall:

Pirated? I'm sure i got this with a dvd writer hmmmmm!!

Its only been doin it a few week tho. Never done it beofre that!

Thanks Ian
Ok if anyone else has this problem I know what to do

When I follwed the instructions post by Ian, Scroll down to bottom

The item you are looking for is or should be at the bottom of registry entry.


I simply right clicked on the Line 'WorkingDir' and the click 'Modify'

I simply replaced that entry with C:\Temp

Then close. Keeps that stupid thing out of the way. How annoying!

BTW Dont blame me if u bugger it up