Neovalis WebDAV Client Libary for .Net

Sep 16, 2005
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we are pleased to announce the first public release of our WebDAV Client Libary for .Net.

Our component gives devolopers easy access to WebDAV and Delta-V compatible servers: WebDAV capabilities can be integrated into applications without having to worry about the subtle difficulties of the protocols involved. The library supports the basic WebDAV commandset and provides convenient helper classes to deal with the complex Delta-V commands. It also features extended security support and support for proxy servers.

The included code samples let you get started quickly. Several demo applications show the basics like connecting to a server and gathering its capabilities, how to upload/download from a WebDAV server or how to lock/unlock resources and even include a tree view control that can be used as a base for a WebDAV browser.

The API features multilayered design, uses an extensible property model and offers uniform exception handling. It is completely written in C#, fully documented and has been built via test driven development, using several hundred unit tests. A .Net 2.0 version, source code and site licenses are available upon request.

Further information can be found at and Be sure to download your fully-features evaluation copy at !


In case of any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

Best regards,

Wolf-Dieter Grabner, Neovalis


Neovalis IT Development GmbH
