I used the live update to patch my bios but somewhere along the way it
failed. When I restarted machine I get nothing, no screen etc.
I found the AMI Bios recovery information and downloaded latest bios,
renamed to amiboot.rom etc etc. I restarted machine. Hit Ctrl - Home
and the disk is read. However I get 5 beeps about every minute. I do
not get 4 beeps as it says and also found on this forum. Is that
normal ? Do I just need to wait some more ?
failed. When I restarted machine I get nothing, no screen etc.
I found the AMI Bios recovery information and downloaded latest bios,
renamed to amiboot.rom etc etc. I restarted machine. Hit Ctrl - Home
and the disk is read. However I get 5 beeps about every minute. I do
not get 4 beeps as it says and also found on this forum. Is that
normal ? Do I just need to wait some more ?