Am attempting to number reports using a three field combination.
1st field three digit vessel ID (used an Asset table for listing fleet (I'm
in marine maintenance)-figured out by myself
2nd field two digit current year (used date box with validation rule
3rd field I want it to give me a report count based on year to date reports
per vesselID (AssetID)
Following is lengthy and probably unnecessary:
I like this system because it is easy for my guys on the various vessels to
inquire about work requests on their vessels,it's useful in established
retention/disposition guidelines and I was using it manually on a spreadsheet
when my tracking system was just being used locally. So there are already
quite a few comfortable with this tracking system Now it is hoped we can use
it system wide. I don't think replication will be a problem as most
facilities primarily work on select vessels in the fleet(I doubt more than
one user would be accessing an asset -I hope to be able to lock asset records
in that regard to allow only one user at a time, anyway.)
Sorry this was so lengthy, but I noticed the smart guys often asked for more
info. Please forgive my obvious lack of understanding, would continue trying
to find answer on my own-but the hounds are baying at the door.
1st field three digit vessel ID (used an Asset table for listing fleet (I'm
in marine maintenance)-figured out by myself
2nd field two digit current year (used date box with validation rule
the Validation Rule was correct entry point for this expression.DateAdd("yy",-1,Date())-got that thanks to this group :Thanks Rick Hoping
3rd field I want it to give me a report count based on year to date reports
per vesselID (AssetID)
Following is lengthy and probably unnecessary:
I like this system because it is easy for my guys on the various vessels to
inquire about work requests on their vessels,it's useful in established
retention/disposition guidelines and I was using it manually on a spreadsheet
when my tracking system was just being used locally. So there are already
quite a few comfortable with this tracking system Now it is hoped we can use
it system wide. I don't think replication will be a problem as most
facilities primarily work on select vessels in the fleet(I doubt more than
one user would be accessing an asset -I hope to be able to lock asset records
in that regard to allow only one user at a time, anyway.)
Sorry this was so lengthy, but I noticed the smart guys often asked for more
info. Please forgive my obvious lack of understanding, would continue trying
to find answer on my own-but the hounds are baying at the door.