need xp cd 2 reinstall



i need 2 reinstall xp;( but i dont have cd. can i make a cd from copying the
windows files on the hard disk? or is there an other way of doing this?
ive got ligit copy of xp home on h/d and i dont think theres a hidden
partition on it.

Ken Blake, MVP

dangleberries said:
i need 2 reinstall xp;

Why? How do you know? It is very seldom the best solution to a problem. In
fact it's usually the worst possible solution.

( but i dont have cd. can i make a cd from
copying the windows files on the hard disk?


or is there an other way
of doing this? ive got ligit copy of xp home on h/d and i dont think
theres a hidden partition on it.

If yours is a system that came with XP preinstalled, the OEM vendor had to
give you a way to reinstall if necessary. If you don't have a CD, there
should be a hidden recovery partition on the drive, but you should check
with your vendor to find out.

Personally, I find all these methods unacceptable, and would never choose to
buy a computer that came with an operating system unless I got a complete
generic installation CD for that operating system.


Ken Blake said:
Why? How do you know? It is very seldom the best solution to a problem. In
fact it's usually the worst possible solution.

If yours is a system that came with XP preinstalled, the OEM vendor had to
give you a way to reinstall if necessary. If you don't have a CD, there
should be a hidden recovery partition on the drive, but you should check
with your vendor to find out.

Personally, I find all these methods unacceptable, and would never choose
to buy a computer that came with an operating system unless I got a
complete generic installation CD for that operating system.

Ken Blake - Microsoft MVP Windows: Shell/User
Please reply to the newsgroup

I had a e-machine one time and they don't give you a recovery cd it's on
the computer so I sent it back just for that reason.


hi thanks for reply ;) ive had pc for about 4 years i bought it in paper
second hand. its got so much junk on it i need to start fresh, ive tryed to
uninstall everything but there's still about 10 gig used ( h/d is 20gig) and
i dont know whats taking up all the space and thats not counting the 2 1/2
gig that xp takes up. any idea's how to get rid of all the junk? since i cant

Ken Blake, MVP

dangleberries said:
hi thanks for reply ;) ive had pc for about 4 years i bought it in
paper second hand. its got so much junk on it i need to start fresh,
ive tryed to uninstall everything but there's still about 10 gig used
( h/d is 20gig) and i dont know whats taking up all the space and
thats not counting the 2 1/2 gig that xp takes up. any idea's how to
get rid of all the junk? since i cant reinstall

The one time I'm very much in favor of reformatting and reinstalling is when
you acquire a used computer. If I bought a used computer, the first thing I
would do with it would be to reinstall the operating system cleanly. You
have no idea how the computer has been maintained, what has been installed
incorrectly, what is missing, what viruses and spyware there may be, etc. I
wouldn't want to live with somebody else's mistakes and problems,
possibility of kiddie porn, etc., and I wouldn't recommend that anyone else
do either.

But I wouldn't have waited four years. ;-)

What to do now? I'd contact the original vendor and ask them. If they can't
help, I'd buy a copy of Windows and install it cleanly..


hi thanks for reply ;) ive had pc for about 4 years i bought it in paper
second hand. its got so much junk on it i need to start fresh, ive tryed to
uninstall everything but there's still about 10 gig used ( h/d is 20gig) and
i dont know whats taking up all the space and thats not counting the 2 1/2
gig that xp takes up. any idea's how to get rid of all the junk? since i cant
you could maybe also use the disk cleanup wizard...
but I highly reccomend Blake's idea, you never know what viruses might
be on there... you could MAYBE do a virus scan, and then run the disk
cleanup wizard.


No can do - however check the instruction on using the recovery partition -
you may have the option of "reinstalling" XP.

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