I've hooked up my printer on the network using a Hawking HPS1U
Ethernet-to-USB print server, and I can successfully print to the
printer. But I don't know the username/password combination for the
HPS1U's built-in Web server, so I can't change its configuration
through its Web interface. (I can view status through the Web
interface, I just can't change anything.) The docs are not very
(BTW, I'm doing this from Linux, so I can't use the Windows-only admin
Ethernet-to-USB print server, and I can successfully print to the
printer. But I don't know the username/password combination for the
HPS1U's built-in Web server, so I can't change its configuration
through its Web interface. (I can view status through the Web
interface, I just can't change anything.) The docs are not very
(BTW, I'm doing this from Linux, so I can't use the Windows-only admin