Need to upgrade OS



I am currently running a desktop with '95, a laptop
with '98SE, two desktop with ME, and one desktop with XP.
The '95 desktop and the laptop are not big enough to run
XP. I want to hook them all together on a wireless
network. A friend of mine who works with computers on a
millitary installation says that the '95 and the '98SE
won't communicate well with the ME or the XP on a wirelss

Would 2000 be a good compromise to keep the systems
running? Would 2000 work with the other two operating
systems and the 108 "g" wireless system get along with one
another okay?

The other question is about licensing. The Microsoft site
says that Win 2000 can't be installed as upgrade to
the '95 OS, a full installation has to be done. Is this
the best way to go on the '98SE as well? Does 2000
perform better than ME? If I buy a full version, how many
machines can I legally put it on and be within the
parameters of the license agreement?

Any advice will be appreciated


When you move up in software, you run a big risk that the hardware
platform is not compliant with the new OS, and there may not be new OS
drivers for devices in the old hardware platforms.

to determine if you've chosen a good base, go to the WHQL website and
find out if your hardware is "certified for ... operation". Or not.
If not, you're taking a risk that some of the devices won't work, or
perhaps even BIOS won't be compatible.

For example, in your win95 desktop, you may have ISA devices which
won't work well with Win2K. If the Win98 machine has USB from an
Intel chipset, I doubt you'll be able to get that running under Win2K.

You should donate the win95 machine to your local gradeschool. If
your win98 machine is certified for operation with Win2K (and many
were), then you will probably be OK.

The other thing to remember is win2K came before WinME. so an
"upgrade" from ME to 2K isn't possible, you must reformat and


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