Need to undo Vista/XP dual boot

  • Thread starter Thread starter JimB
  • Start date Start date


I need some help.

I have a dual boot setup that has Vista on one sata hard drive and Windows
XP on another sata hard drive. If I remember correctly, I installed XP 1st
and than Vista.

I now want to keep the current system running with XP and remove the Vista
hard drive and install it in a new computer I am building.

I'm guessing I will have bootup issues on boot on both pc's once I remove
the Vista hard drive.

Set the XP drive as first in boot priority (probably already is). Download
and install on the XP os either EasyBCD or VistaBootPro. Use the function
to restore the XP boot. Reboot into XP and you should be set to remove the
Vista drive.
Thanks for the response John.

Actually Vista is the first boot priority. I'm not at the machine right
now, how do I go about making the XP drive 1st priority?

Once that is down and run EasyBCD or VistaBP I can install the Vista drivein
the new pc and should boot right up?
So there is no misunderstanding, first in boot priority would be the drive
which shows up in Disk Management as your 'system drive'. It has nothing to
do with boot menu or default boot os.

If your Vista drive is the system drive, check your XP drive and make sure
you have 3 files on it. You will need the ntldr NTDETECT.COM and boot.ini
files on your XP drive. They may be hidden files on the root of the drive.
Either search with system and hidden files or set them to show.
It probably would be best if you checked the exact status of your drives,
these files, which drive is the 'system' drive and which drive (0 or 1) has
Vista and XP on them and check back for specific instructions. Use drive 0
and drive 1 and not letters. My original answer was based on the normal
install you suggested where you set up your drives, install XP on the first
drive, and then without changing the BIOS you install Vista second. In that
case all boot files would be on the XP drive, both XP and Vista and you
would boot thru the Vista boot menu.

As to your second question, if you have an OEM version of Vista it is tied
to the original machine and can't be moved. If it is a full retail, you
will be able to install on the second machine, but you will have to activate
by telephone and stay on line for an operator since it is currently active
on the old machine. An upgrade version would not be in compliance with the
licensing agreement as your XP license becomes subsumed within the Vista
license when Vista is installed.