I agree completely. Either you should get some speakers that have an
amplifier (i.e. powered speakers) or get an amplifier that can be attached
to the cord. I'm not quite sure where to find the second, but I know that
they exist.
-- MiniDisc_2k2
To reply, replace nospam.com with cox dot net.
P.S. If you're going to buy new powered speakers, I would suggest the
Creative Inspire 4.1. I have them, and they have very good quality for their
price. Of course, you'd need a 4.1 compatible sound output thingy (sound
card or onboard sound, I couldn't find the right work to include them both).
Most onboard sound nowadays can support 4.1, refer to your motherboard's
manual. If you need to get a sound card, I'd recommend the Creative
SoundBlaster PCI 512. Again good quality for good price.