Windows XP Need To Save All PASSWORDS

Jun 3, 2006
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Hello, I need to save all passwords entered while online. I have a 13 yr old daughter that might be up to no good. I have tried Control Panel, Internet Options, Content ..... etc. Is there anymore I could do. Ty

Techy said:
best way to do that would be to use a key logger.

no, I would not do that ... use pen & paper, and write them down but keep them safe. I have to do that as I cannot remember them, but then I am the only user of this PC.

Teenagers know it all ... trying to do 'battle' with them is a lost cause ... try talking to her as an adult and if you cannot "trust" your daughter, then take the PC away.

Techy - the way it comes across to me is that he wants a way of logging the passwords his daughter uses whilst online so he can check what she is looking at?

If this is the case, then as you say some kind of keylogger would be required - maybe something like THIS.....?
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