I've got a problem where I cant boot into Windows XP Pro. I get an error
trying to load a corrupted file or something (usually whole system locks, or
I see the file its trying to load if I select safe mode). Booting up on my
other XP install on an IDE drive & renaming the bad files doesn't fix
anything. (This happened after having the computer & surge protector shut
off for 10 days while I was away, power on, boot up, crash, cant reboot.
I've had other problems with this board & also now have lost the on board
NIC too.)
If I enable boot logging, where is that log file at & what additional
information should I be looking for?
I DO have a 2nd hard drive in the system with WindowsXP on it (was able to
install on that one just fine, so hardware is likely NOT issue), but I have
a few folders I need to access. First of all I need all of the stuff in
that user account/profile (in the documents & settings area). I also have a
special folder that was created by that user (it is listed in green compared
to other folders in Windows Explorer). I'm pretty sure those files are
encrypted, & when I try to open or copy one I get an error saying I don't
have permission.
Now the problem is that if I reload Windows I lose this stuff. I don't
remember the admin password & since it is a SATA drive then the password
cracking tools (boot disks) wont recognize the hard drive (I guess I could
get a SATA to IDE converter & try after that).
Now I DO know the main windows account password, the one which actually
created those folders & has full privileges in Windows. Also remember I can
access this partition of the drive when I boot up on my other hard drive's
install of Windows.
Also that computer does not have network access as the on board NIC is
appears to be dead.
IF I'm eventually able to (once I get my SATA to IDE adapter so the boot
disks will recognize the drive) get a password cracking utility to recognize
the admin password & use the XP install CD to boot into recovery mode, can I
then copy the files to another partition or drive & have them lose their
encryption that way? Or is there a way to turn off the encryption (as I
could logged into XP itself under that user account)?
What about a way to have Windows (on the IDE drive) be told that there is
another windows on the SATA drive & to copy/recover the user settings &
files from it? I do know the password to this user account (not limited
account, full default admin style privileges) so that is not a problem.
(The only problem is inability to boot into that Windows).
Or just some way (without reinstall since that loses the accounts & files &
BTW a reinstall over itself / repair didn't fix either, tried twice) to
force windows to boot at least into safe mode? To only boot the OS &
nothing else? I select safe mode & it tries to load a huge list of files &
one of them is what stops it. Can't I say to boot windows only & not that
list of files? Or other than renaming the files how do I tell windows not
to load them? (Remember I have access to the drive from within the other XP
If patches are needed that's not a problem as this is a licensed copy of
Windows on the original drive (didn't bother the whole registration thing on
the 2nd install since it is for troubleshooting only & will be wiped to free
up that drive as soon as this is fixed).
Any help is much appreciated.
trying to load a corrupted file or something (usually whole system locks, or
I see the file its trying to load if I select safe mode). Booting up on my
other XP install on an IDE drive & renaming the bad files doesn't fix
anything. (This happened after having the computer & surge protector shut
off for 10 days while I was away, power on, boot up, crash, cant reboot.
I've had other problems with this board & also now have lost the on board
NIC too.)
If I enable boot logging, where is that log file at & what additional
information should I be looking for?
I DO have a 2nd hard drive in the system with WindowsXP on it (was able to
install on that one just fine, so hardware is likely NOT issue), but I have
a few folders I need to access. First of all I need all of the stuff in
that user account/profile (in the documents & settings area). I also have a
special folder that was created by that user (it is listed in green compared
to other folders in Windows Explorer). I'm pretty sure those files are
encrypted, & when I try to open or copy one I get an error saying I don't
have permission.
Now the problem is that if I reload Windows I lose this stuff. I don't
remember the admin password & since it is a SATA drive then the password
cracking tools (boot disks) wont recognize the hard drive (I guess I could
get a SATA to IDE converter & try after that).
Now I DO know the main windows account password, the one which actually
created those folders & has full privileges in Windows. Also remember I can
access this partition of the drive when I boot up on my other hard drive's
install of Windows.
Also that computer does not have network access as the on board NIC is
appears to be dead.
IF I'm eventually able to (once I get my SATA to IDE adapter so the boot
disks will recognize the drive) get a password cracking utility to recognize
the admin password & use the XP install CD to boot into recovery mode, can I
then copy the files to another partition or drive & have them lose their
encryption that way? Or is there a way to turn off the encryption (as I
could logged into XP itself under that user account)?
What about a way to have Windows (on the IDE drive) be told that there is
another windows on the SATA drive & to copy/recover the user settings &
files from it? I do know the password to this user account (not limited
account, full default admin style privileges) so that is not a problem.
(The only problem is inability to boot into that Windows).
Or just some way (without reinstall since that loses the accounts & files &
BTW a reinstall over itself / repair didn't fix either, tried twice) to
force windows to boot at least into safe mode? To only boot the OS &
nothing else? I select safe mode & it tries to load a huge list of files &
one of them is what stops it. Can't I say to boot windows only & not that
list of files? Or other than renaming the files how do I tell windows not
to load them? (Remember I have access to the drive from within the other XP
If patches are needed that's not a problem as this is a licensed copy of
Windows on the original drive (didn't bother the whole registration thing on
the 2nd install since it is for troubleshooting only & will be wiped to free
up that drive as soon as this is fixed).
Any help is much appreciated.