Need to merge worksheets - Excel 2003

Jul 19, 2013
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Hello and thank you for reading,

I have two worksheets under the same workbook, one larger (contains more info.) than the other. The larger sheet (sheet A) contains identical labels as the smaller sheet (sheet B) in addition to other labels. Thus, the layouts of sheets A and B are different. What I need to do is add all of the information from sheet B into the larger sheet A.

My problem is that the solutions I have researched seem to require identical worksheet layouts, advanced programming skills, and/or immense time with micro-managing techniques such as copy-and-pasting single cells/rows. The worksheets contain thousands of rows of entries and I would not like to spend multiple days doing this.

Note: Not sure if this is relevant, but they're both saved as .csv files

I desperately await and sincerely appreciate any advice,
