| | My WM9 is corrupted. When I try to download a fresh
| installation from the Microsoft site, the old one loads from my
| drive instead. I don't know how to find it or disable it so a
| good one can be installed. What's the secret? Thanks...
According to the "Readme for Windows Media Player 9 Series", if
your computer is running Windows XP Home Edition or Windows XP
Professional, use System Restore in Windows to remove Windows
Media Player 9 Series (and restore the previous version of the
Player). For more information see the following Web Page:
Microsoft Windows Media - Readme for Windows Media
Player 9 Series
You may also want to post your question in a Windows Media Player
newsgroup. And please include the following information:
- Windows Media Player version
- Windows operating system version (and Service Pack level)
- Any error message numbers (for example, "C00D11CD")
- Any error messages (for example, "Windows Media Player has
encountered an unknown error.")
- The reason why you believe that your "WM9 is corrupted"
If you read the newsgroups using the Microsoft Communities Web
Page, here is a link:
If you read newsgroups using a NNTP newsreader, such as Outlook
Express, and use the msnews.microsoft.com news server, here is a
link to the newsgroup: microsoft.public.windowsmedia.player
And before posting you may want to review the following:
Web Page Title: WMP Mini-FAQ
Section: WMP Installation Questions