This will work for your given example. I bet your
departments aren't really A and B, but maybe this will
give you a starting point.
Create a query, selecting SR, Requestor, and Department.
Change it to a totals query.
Keep "group by" for SR and Requestor. Change "group by"
to "MIN" for Department.
Department A). I can find unique service requests for
each department, but there are some requests where both
departments are affected. Since one department is a
subdivision of the other, I need to only count each
service request once (Dept A supercedes Dept B),
eliminating any duplicates that may exist between the two,
yet preserving any service requests that are uniqe to each
department. For instance
x B
y B
q B
departments aren't really A and B, but maybe this will
give you a starting point.
Create a query, selecting SR, Requestor, and Department.
Change it to a totals query.
Keep "group by" for SR and Requestor. Change "group by"
to "MIN" for Department.
the service request (Department B is a subdivision of-----Original Message-----
I have two queries with very simlar output:
[Service Request],[requestor],[department]
The only difference is which department is taking care of
Department A). I can find unique service requests for
each department, but there are some requests where both
departments are affected. Since one department is a
subdivision of the other, I need to only count each
service request once (Dept A supercedes Dept B),
eliminating any duplicates that may exist between the two,
yet preserving any service requests that are uniqe to each
department. For instance
SR Reqeustor DeptInput:
SR Reqeustor Dept
A 2
x B
A 3
y B
A 5
q B