Need to create cab for PPC with 1000+ files...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joshua Maeir
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Joshua Maeir

I need to create a cab to be used in an install program that will
install over 1000 files in a a tree of directories.

I also have Installshield Express, however there is a bug in it and it
will not allow selecting more than 18 files at a time.

I need to create several sets of these CABs.

Can anyone offer any solution aside for manualy creating a inf file?


Hmm... I'm not sure CabWiz can support that many files.
Anyway, you can use a simple batch file to generate file list in INF:

----- CUT
@echo off

rem Make sure delayed environment variables are enabled

if not "%VENABLED%"=="TRUE" (
cmd /v:on /c %0 %*
goto exit

if "%1" == "" (
echo Usage: %0 file_list ^>^> file.inf
goto exit

echo [Files.Plenty]
for /f %%i in (%1) do (
@echo "%%~nxi",%%~nxi,,0x40000001
echo [SourceDisksNames]
set Source=0
for /f %%i in (%1) do (
set /a Source=!Source! + 1
set Folder=%%~dpi
set Folder=!Folder:~0,-1!
@echo !Source! = ,"Path!Source!",,!Folder!
set Source=0
echo [SourceDisksFiles]
for /f %%i in (%1) do (
set /a Source=!Source! + 1
@echo %%~nxi = !Source!

----- CUT

You'll need a file with list of all files you wish to add.
You can create it by executing 'dir /s /b > file.list' from the folder your
files are located and edit it if needed.
Note it won't create entire INF, just the file list. Rest is up to you.
Also, change 0x40000001 to whatever mode you need (see MSDN for details).

Best regards,


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