I have 2 Windows Server 2000 SP4 servers. The PDC is running AD and as of
last night DNS. This domain has been a single-label for over ten years
(converted from Novell to NT4 to Server 2000). All clients are currently
Windows 98SE, with the exception of one XP Pro SP2 (covered later). The are 2
satellite offices connecting to the main servers via VPN. The remote
workstations run one application on the PDC server via TS Client. The second
server runs TS Serverand is also used as a relay for connecting this
application's database to our website (hosted off-site).
I have read all of the threads, articles, etc. regarding the need to rid
myself of the single-label domain and changing to a FQDN and see the logic in
I have also read all of the threads, articles, etc. regarding slow login
times for XP clients and most of it makes some sense to me.
I am attempting to replace half of the current computers with XP Pro SP2b
computers and upgrade the rest to XP Pro SP2b (clean install). This is where
I discovered my problems with the single-label issue and the XP slow login
Now to my questions.
1. Can I demote the PDC, rename the domain in the other server and promote
the other server to PDC (importing everything needed), as a shortcut to
building a new server?
2. Why does my one XP Pro computer connecting to the domain via the VPN
connection NOT have the single-label domain issue or the slow XP login issue?
(I'm seriously concidering building a VPN tunnel at the main location, just
as a workaround.)
Thanks for all the help all of you have already been and for any more help
you can be.
Andy Holder
last night DNS. This domain has been a single-label for over ten years
(converted from Novell to NT4 to Server 2000). All clients are currently
Windows 98SE, with the exception of one XP Pro SP2 (covered later). The are 2
satellite offices connecting to the main servers via VPN. The remote
workstations run one application on the PDC server via TS Client. The second
server runs TS Serverand is also used as a relay for connecting this
application's database to our website (hosted off-site).
I have read all of the threads, articles, etc. regarding the need to rid
myself of the single-label domain and changing to a FQDN and see the logic in
I have also read all of the threads, articles, etc. regarding slow login
times for XP clients and most of it makes some sense to me.
I am attempting to replace half of the current computers with XP Pro SP2b
computers and upgrade the rest to XP Pro SP2b (clean install). This is where
I discovered my problems with the single-label issue and the XP slow login
Now to my questions.
1. Can I demote the PDC, rename the domain in the other server and promote
the other server to PDC (importing everything needed), as a shortcut to
building a new server?
2. Why does my one XP Pro computer connecting to the domain via the VPN
connection NOT have the single-label domain issue or the slow XP login issue?
(I'm seriously concidering building a VPN tunnel at the main location, just
as a workaround.)
Thanks for all the help all of you have already been and for any more help
you can be.
Andy Holder